This book is about the two oldest types of life insurance known to man: whole life and term insurance, with particular attention paid to creative wealth-building strategies with whole life insurance.
How to Use This Book
We’ve split Live Your Life Insurance into four sections:
1. Building Wealth for Life gives an overview of the benefits of life
insurance and answers some "frequently asked questions" that are better addressed
sooner than later.
2. Living with Your Cash Value includes the first two phases, which are the
Start-Up Phase of the policy (years 1-5) and the Leverage Opportunity and
Investment Capability Phase.
3. Using Your Death Benefit While You Are Alive includes Phase 3,
Spending Other Assets, Phase 4, Using the Death Benefit or Face Value, and Phase
5, Setting Up the Family Bank.
4. Glossary - Working Parts Definitions (you'll want to refer to this section
throughout the book.)